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Founded in 1972, the Portland Women's Crisis Line provides services to victims/survivors (both female and male) of domestic violence and sexual assault, including rape, incest, and sexual harassment. The Portland Women's Crisis Line is an organization with a feminist philosophy, working to end violence against women and children.

We believe that the expression of societal oppressions, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, agism and ablism, are directly related to violence against women and children. Violence against women and children encompasses physical, mental, and emotional abuse and all forms of social degradation. The intent of the Portland Women's Crisis Line is not only to provide social services to women, but also to enact social change through the empowerment of women.

The Portland Women's Crisis Line was the first crisis line of its kind in the state of Oregon, and one of the first five crisis lines of its kind in the United States.

The Portland Women's Crisis Line provides services to the Tri-County area (Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties), and throughout Oregon State via the toll free state-wide hotline number.



business phone: (503) 232-9751 | fax: (503) 234-3749
P.O. Box 42610, Portland, OR 97242